In the early 20th century, the Duttons faced new challenges, including the growth of western expansion, Prohibition, and the Great Depression. Although America’s Great Depression began in 1929, it started early in Montana. The Great Depression began in Montana in 1918, almost 10 years earlier than in the rest of the country. While the rest of America was prospering, Montana was struggling. Between the drought and the decrease in demand for agricultural products due to the end of the “Great War” (known as the First World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918), many farmers suffered greatly. As a result, Montana farmers defaulted on war loans, which led to massive bank failures across the state. Between 1921 and 1925, half of Montana’s farmers lost their land. By 1925, 70,000 of Montana’s 82,000 homesteads had left the country. In addition, 200 banks in Montana went bankrupt. The drought affected not only the crops, but also the invasion of locusts, which affected cattle. He plays the lead role in the film Eternal Heroes: Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford (2023). After Yellowstone, it was second, but a similar feeling….. I liked it very much, and although I needed to see the ore, something gives me the feeling that maybe it could have been better (a more difficult task after Yellowstone!) BUT. BUT. BUT…. It seems that it will finally start when the secondary stories merge… And then it will end – obviously, it is ready for the second season – BUT – if this does not happen, you just wasted your time, because the story no, this is not even the end of the first series. And at the moment there is neither an announcement nor a plan for the second season… This makes me so mad! It’s like going to a great restaurant and serving only a side dish without the main course!!! What the hell…. Come on, manufacturers…. Put your fingers away!!!!
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